Pasieczny tours South Africa July/August ’09

[inspic=155,left,,0]Marek Pasieczny together with his duo partner violinist Ian Watson will be touring the coast of South Africa from Cape Town to Durban. Their programme includes works for guitar solo, violin solo and violin/guitar by N.Paganini, M.Giuliani, A.Part, E.Ysaye, A.Kruisbring, J.Williams and Pasieczny’s own compositions.

July 29th lunch time recital in Cape Town at “Bishops”
July 29th
evening concert for Lindeburgh Foundation in Muizemburg
July 30th
evening concert in Robertson Wine Cellar
July 31st
two concerts in Hermanus for the 'Hermanus Music Society’
August 2nd
concert for Liezl-Maret 
August 6th
Evening concert in Pietermaritburg 
August 8th
Pretoria concerts

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