five-movement SONATA for Solo Guitar is now complete. Inspired by Signs by the Roadside, a book by Serbian Nobel Prize-winning novelist Ivo Andrić. Commissioned by and dedicated to my dear friend and extraordinary musician, Vojin Kocić
SONATA: Echoes from the Roadside (for Guitar Solo)
- I. Planando lievemente (Gliding lightly / Lagano klizeći)
- II. Perduto nei sogui (Lost in dreams / Izgubljen u snovima)
- III. Fredolo e limpido (Cold and clear / Hladno i jasno)
- IV. Ballando nel dolore (Tema di Andrić) (Dancing in pain (Andrić’s Theme) / Plešući u boli (Andrićeva tema)
- V. Con rabbia (With anger / Sa ljutnjom)
The world premiere will take place next month in Switzerland during Rencontres Guitares in Bulle on March 23, 2025

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