…solo for Ana Vidovic

'Surf lingo’ or 'surfer’s slang’, is the unique jargon of surfers, an unusual vocabulary associated with the world of surfing. In this language, the word 'SPIFFY’ is often used to describe something cool, fun or radical, but also could be used to refer to an attractive woman.

I’ve always been interested in creating new sounds, new techniques, and new ways of combining different musical styles. 'Spiffy is an example of that. There is no limit to defining what is 'good’ or 'serious’ or what 'Music’ is. I consider myself first of all to be someone who loves all music. It was fun to compose this piece and it gives me great pleasure when performing it. I hope that you (as a player or even just as a listener) will find that same kind of joy I experienced in this composition.

I composed this piece in UK (April), premiered during „Sul Tasto Festival” in Paris, France (May) and recorded in Germany (June) 2013. This piece is dedicated to Ana Vidovic.

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