Cover of Sześć Strun Świata

Marek Pasieczny has been featured on the latest cover of the April-June edition of ’SZESC STRUN SWIATA’ the Polish Classical Guitar Magazine.

The in-depth interview was conducted by the great researcher Wojciech Gurgul. We discussed topics such as:

➡ The compositional process, writing for baritone guitar, over 20 percussion instruments, 80 guitars and piano solo album

➡ My artist residency with ACG (Austin, TX)

➡ Latest collaborations with amazing musicians and luthiers including: Bion Tsang, Thomas Burritt, Joe Williams, Carl Petersson, Mateusz Kowalski, Bartlomiej Wezner, Philip Woodfield, Oliver Moore, and many more.

➡ New upcoming albums and videos for solo piano, guitar and percussion, guitar and piano, and also the latest guitar trio project.

➡ The magazine includes the Full Score of my piece UNTITLED (Black & Blood Orange) thanks to the generosity of Tomasz Polak.

The magazine will be available starting tomorrow (2nd of April) at chain store EMPIK.

Photo by Grzegorz Pulit

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