World Premiere of new work for solo guitar!

After many years of composing highly advanced pieces both technically and musically demanding, I felt the need to write something considerably simpler in form and language. This composition was bent on the idea of creating something not only for professional guitarists, but also for those still studying at secondary school level.

Little Sonata (titled inspired by Paul Hindemith’s “Kleine Sonate” for cello and piano) is an easy four-movement short composition, leaning on the form of the sonata and kept in the tonal post-classical and neo-romantic language. It was inspired by the cycle for solo piano Impromptus Op . 9 by Franz Schubert.

Written entirely on the piano and later ‘adapted’ for the guitar – it explains the highly pianistic chordal structures and harmonies that dictate the structure of the whole work. It was nevertheless composed with simplicity and ease for the guitar in mind.

This work is dedicated to my friend and great guitarists Krzysztof Pełech.

Marek Pasieczny

Pretoria, South Africa, August 2011

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