New work for solo guitar!

“() Marek Pasieczny is still very young, but already one of the most important guitarists-composers-musicians from our time. The Flight of Kikuidataki’ is beautiful! It is a piece full of sound and the guitar must be grateful to you for writing such a piece. Thank you also”, CARLO DOMENICONI – guitarist and composer (Berlin, Germany; May 2011)

“Kikuidataki is the name of the smallest Bird in Japan and the World’s smallest hummingbird of its kind. The native script is “King birds”. Kikuidataki is characterized by its yellow crown crest. I strived to capture and imitate its movements through sonoristic and colouristic effects. In depicting the Japanese impression, the main melody was inspired and based on the Japanese melody “Itsuki no komuriuta” (Lullaby of Itsuki).

This piece is dedicated to my friend and inspirational guide Carlo Domeniconi”. Marek Pasieczny (Pretoria, South Africa; May 2011)

AVAILABLE NOW in score and recording

The Flight of Kikuidataki by Pasieczny
The Flight of Kikuidataki by Pasieczny

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