Another piece published for Les Productions D’Oz Canada

[inspic=96,left,,0]AMERICAN SUITE (sub-title ‘Tribute to Harmony’) click here for the score

I started to composed this piece in 2003 and re-composed it thought 2006I decided to write this piece because of the following innovative techniques (at least relating to classical guitar) such as tapping, hammering and percussive effects (2nd movement) and their infinite scale of colors to outputs on the guitar, to summarize – widely comprehended ‘sonorism’. I also wanted to write something very ‘spatial’ and impressionistic (3rd movement) and very rhythmical, loud virtuosic and fast. This work is sub-titled Tribute to Harmony’. Harmony has been for me the most important element in my work. I consider it an extremely essential factor in the process of composition, influencing greatly the shape of my works especially this one. It is harmony that is responsible for the so-called density of the music – the space and it’s controlling of the other elements, i.e. rhythm, melody, etc is an indescribably interesting phenomenon for me.
This piece was
commissioned with funds made available by the ‘Scottish Arts Council’. cover by Jacek Pasieczny

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