with Pavel Steidl

Playing through brand new work by Carlo DOMENICONI :12 Preludes and Fugues’ with Pavel Steidl during Guitar Masters Camp

Pavel Steidl and Marek Pasieczny (summer 2018)
Pavel Steidl and Marek Pasieczny (summer 2018)
Pavel Steidl and Marek Pasieczny (summer 2018)
Pavel Steidl and Marek Pasieczny (summer 2018)


SONATA 'Volante’: World Premiere | South Africa

Marek Pasieczny SONATA Volante
Marek Pasieczny on 'SONATA Volante’

SONATA 'Volante’ for Marimba and Alto Saxophone

I. Introduzione e Allegro Veloce
II. Aria ‘ Almanaccare’
III. Interludio in form di Fugato
IV. Rondo Volante (Finale)

commissioned by OAK 'Overstrand Arts Kunste’. World Premiere will be given on 22nd of July in Hermanus, South Africa

PERPETUUS: American Premiere | GFA 'Guitar Fundation of America’

American première of my work PERPETUUS (Jack Body: In Memoriam) for guitar quartet; commissioned by, and dedicated to, the NZGQ ‘New Zealand Guitar Quartet’

Part 1: ‘Fanfares’ Part 2: ‘After Bach’ Part 3: ‘Waiata’ Part 4: ‘Contra Waves’ Part 5: ‘Bells’ Part 6: ‘Spinning Dance’

was given during GFA this week on 22nd of June by NZGQ: Vladimir Gorbach, Jane Curry, John Couch and Owen Moriarty

SONATA for Marimba and alto Saxophone

Marek Pasieczny (Sonata Volante)
Marek Pasieczny (Sonata Volante)

I’m happy to announce new commission from OAK 'Overstrand Arts Kunste’ for duo: marimba and alto saxophone. The piece will be in SONATA form.

The première will take place at the end of July in beautiful Hermanus, SA.

Guitar Art Festival | Serbia ’18

closing concert of Erste Guitar Art Festival and panel for European Guitar Integration | Having best time during Guitar Art Festival with my friends and legends: Assad Brothers, Dusan Bogdanovic, with old friends Susana and Alexis from Duo Melis and guitar legend: Costas Cotsiolis after ajudicating, teaching and rehearsals.

© Marek Pasieczny

Marek PasiecznyMarek PasiecznyMarek PasiecznyMarek PasiecznyMarek Pasieczny Odair Sergio Assad Assad BrothersMarek PasiecznyMarek PasiecznyMarek Pasieczny






North American Tour ’18

Two months, 30 concerts for over 13.000 people. Hundreds of meetings with amazing audience across USA and Canada! Feeling fulfilled 'n lucky! © Marek Pasieczny

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Winter/Spring ’18 Tour


January 18 Cowichan Theatre, Duncan B.C.
January 20 Massey Theatre, New Westminster B.C.
January 21 University of Victoria, Victoria B.C.
January 23 Washington Center for Performing Arts, Olympia WA
January 24 Edmonds Center for the Arts, Edmonds WA
January 26 Port Theatre, Nanaimo B.C.
January 30 Manship Theatre, Baton Rouge LA
January 31 Wolf Trap Barns, Vienna VA
February 1 Wolf Trap Barns, Vienna VA
February 3 Gordon Center, Owings Mills MD
February 6 Center for the Arts, Sun Valley ID
February 8 The Ellen Theatre, Bozeman, UT
February 10 Alberta Bair Theater, Billings MT
February 13 Myrna Loy Center, Helena MT
February 15 Ft. Lewis College, Durango CO
February 17 Swallow Hill, Denver CO
February 18 California Center for the Arts, Escondido CA
February 21 Harris Center, Folsom CA
February 23 Bankhead Theatre, Livermore CA
February 24 OFJCC Schultz Cultural Arts Hall, Palo Alto, CA
February 25 Fulkerson Recital Hall, Arcata CA
February 2 Discovery Theatre, Anchorage AK
March 3 Lincoln Theatre, Mt. Vernon WA
March 7 Keys ICE, Islamorada FL
March 9 Arts Garage, Delray Beach FL
March 10 Miami-Dade Performing Arts Center, Miami FL

March 16-21 Guitar Art. Festival, Belgrade, Serbia
April 19-22 Gitarrophilia – Sudwest, Trossingen, Germany

May 20-24 The Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China

© Marek Pasieczny

CD Compilation

Brand new CD compilation of my music for solo guitar from seven different albums over the last 14 years. Recorded in South Africa, Poland, United Kingdom, Germany and Australia.

The album includes an exclusive brand new recording of re-composed and never released ‘TWO STORIES’ (to Pat Metheny). Available ONLY in hardcopy: Signed Limited Edition, 200 copies. Own one for Xmas!

© Marek Pasieczny
© Marek Pasieczny


£ 17 GBP  | € 19 EURO | $ 23 USD

including FREE postage Worldwide (hand-signed Limited Edition of only 200 copies)

Order Now Contacting Us: slepayment@gmail.com


  • JOBURG JAM (Pogo Cover) (2012) (multi-guitar version)
  • SPIFFY (to Ana Vidovic) (2013)
  • TWO STORIES (to Pat Metheny) (1997/2017)
  • DESEJO (to Odair Assad) (2012)

from TRAVELS  (2011)

  • Thula baba, thula sana / Keep quiet my child (South Africa)
  • Manamolela / The work song (South Africa)
  • Cai Cha Feng / Picking Tea (Taiwan)
  • Wang Chun Weng / Waiting for Love (Taiwan)
  • Hundred Pipers (Scotland)
  1. Flow gently, Sweet Afton (Scotland)
  2. Sama jo se sama / By myself alone (Poland)
  3. Bon Odori (Japan)
  4. Cape Byron Lights (Australia)

from LITTLE SONATA (2011)

  1. Allegro Vigoroso (Finale)

SCINTILLA (After Arvo Pärt) (2012)

  1. Part One
  2. Part Two ‘Psalm’
  3. Part Three

NEO VARIATIONS (Tribute to John Towner Williams) (2015/2016)

  1. Fanfare, Theme, Var 1-5, Finale

THE FLIGHT OF KIKUIDATAKI (to Carlo Domeniconi) (2011)

  1. A Glimpse – The Flight


  1. Mazurka Romanesque
  2. Scherzando a la Krakowiak
  3. Fugato Pastoso (Finale)


  1. Lamento y Cancion

SATO NO AKI VARIATIONS (to Roland Dyens) (2010)

  1. Prelude, Theme, Variations 1-4, Postlude

from AMERICAN SUITE (2003)

  1. Tearing Away (Finale)                                                                          Total Time: 68 min


ALL MUSIC COMPOSED AND PERFORMED BY MAREK PASIECZNY | 2018 Recorded in: South Africa, Poland, United Kingdom, Germany and Australia ℗ Publisher: SLE Signature Limited Edition, London | Producer: Marek Pasieczny © Copyright by Marek Pasieczny | All rights reserved worldwide



Upcoming Concerts Fall ’17 / Spring ‘18 USA / CANADA / CHINA / EUROPE

Solo and Chamber Music


October 5-8 Sverdlovsk State Philharmony, Russia
(duo with Ling Ling Yu)
October 15 NL-Rotterdam, LantarenVenster
October 16 NL-Amsterdam, Q Factory
October 19 DE-Rüsselsheim, Das Rind
October 20 DE-Reutlingen, FranzK
October 21. AT-Hard, Kammgarn
October 22 DE-Ingolstadt, Eventhalle am Westpark
October 24 DE-Bonn, Harmonie
October 25 DE-Koblenz, Café Hahn
October 26 DE-Remchingen, Kulturhalle
October 28 DE-Marburg, KFZ
October 29 DE-Celle, CD Kaserne
October 30 DE-Fehmarn, Kirche St.Johannis
November 01 DE-Bochum, Christuskirche
November 02 DE-Potsdam, Lindenpark
November 03 DE-Schwerin, Speicher
November 04 DE-Jena, Volkshaus Jena
November 06 AT-Hallein, Stadttheater Hallein
November 07 AT-Vienna, Reigen
November 09 CH-Gams, Guitar Repairs
November 10 CH-Bülach, JazzInn alterszentrum Im Grampen
(solo, duo, quartet with: Michael Chapdelaine, Lulo Reinhardt & Calum Graham)
January 18 Cowichan Theatre, Duncan B.C.
January 20 Massey Theatre, New Westminster B.C.
January 21 University of Victoria, Victoria B.C.
January 24 Edmonds Center for the Arts, Edmonds WA
January 26 Port Theatre, Nanaimo B.C.
January 30 Manship Theatre, Baton Rouge LA
January 31 Wolf Trap Barns, Vienna VA
February 1 Wolf Trap Barns, Vienna VA
February 3 Gordon Center, Owings Mills MD
February 6 Center for the Arts, Sun Valley ID
February 9 Myrna Loy Center, Helena MT
February 10 Alberta Bair Theater, Billings MT
February 15 Ft. Lewis College, Durango CO
February 16 Swallow Hill, Denver CO
February 21 Harris Center, Folsom CA
February 23 Bankhead Theatre, Livermore CA
February 25 Fulkerson Recital Hall, Arcata CA
March 2 Discovery Theeatre, Anchorage AK
March 3 Lincoln Theatre, Mt. Vernon WA
(solo, duo, quartet with: Michael Chapdelaine, Lulo Reinhardt & Calum Graham)
May 20-24 The Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China
(solo recital, master-class)

Tate Sonata is completed!

Happy to announced that just finishing composing ‘TATE SONATA’ for solo guitar (in four movements, inspired by one of the most prestigious art galleries in the world: Tate Modern, London).

Commissioned and dedicated to great guitarist and superb musician Giacomo Susani.

Marek Pasieczny and Giacomo Susani on read-through of Tate Sonata, Leeds, UK

William Kanengiser on SCINTILLA: After Arvo Part

Thank you to William Kanengiser from (LAGQ) for writing lovely program notes for Scintilla (quartet version).

 ‘Scintilla’ by Marek Pasieczny is an evocation of the spatial and spiritual musical expression of the mystical Estonian composer Arvo Pärt. First composed for solo piano, subsequent versions for solo guitar, guitar duo and now guitar quartet have further explored the atmospheric possibilities of this work. 

 Using an unusual scordatura of low G natural on the sixth string and G# on the fifth, Pasieczny creates a totally unique sonic texture in this riveting and finely detailed score.  Beginning with a mysterious ostinato, the piece unfolds with brooding open harmonies and ominous dissonances. This prepares the entrance of the „Psalm”, with a cantus firmus-like exposition of a fragment from one of Pärt’s vocal works.  Building in intensity with wave-like chordal crests, the work ultimately drifts back to a gentle undulating close.

 Scintilla represents an original and welcome addition to the serious repertoire for guitar quartet. 


(LAGQ | Los Angeles Guitar Quartet)

Full video | Score

Sonata ‘Tate’ for solo guitar: New Commission

Excited to announce new commission from the winner of the last ‘London International Guitar Competition’, ‘Julian Bream Trust’ scholar and co-winner of the Special Prize at The Guitar Masters – Italian virtuoso of young generation: Giacomo Susani.

The piece will be in the form of sonata and it’s inspired by one of the most influential gallery venues worldwide: Tate Modern in London.

English Premiere: End of this year | Chinese premiere: May ‘18

Giacomo Susani and Marek Pasieczny
Giacomo Susani and Marek Pasieczny

Greek premiere!

’POLISH SUITE’ (for 2 pianos/ 8 hands) was recently premiered in Crete, Greece during the ‘Heraklion Piano Festival’.Pianists: Petros Moschos, Dimitris Karydis, Michalis Angelakis, Nikos Stavlas.

Originally piece was commissioned by Aaron Shore for the ‘International Piano Festival’ in Glasow, Scotland – celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Fryderyk Chopin’s Birth

I and II movement





Russia Recital with Lingling Yu


Happy to announce my appearance during the The 6th Eurasia International Music Festival in October this year. Going to perform some of my compositions with Lingling Yu (pipa).

Big thank you to Maestro Dmitry LISS (artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Urals Academic Philharmonic Orchestra).

Lingling Yu and Marek Pasieczny
Lingling Yu and Marek Pasieczny

Finis Autem Principium Est – score is published!

tavener okladka2

Finis Autem Principium Est (Epitaph on Sir John Tavener) | PASIECZNY, Marek (for solo guitar)

PRICE: £ 10.50 GBP (€ 12.50 EURO)
Limited Collector’s Edition – Hand Signed:
PRICE: £ 14.50 GBP (€ 16.50 EURO)

to purchase please use the form below:


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