Go-Dai Concerto

„The Go-Dai Concerto is not only a triumph for the guitar technically; it marks a turning point in the instrument’s repertoire for the concerto medium. For many commentators the guitar’s relationship with ensemble has always had great potential, but few examples have come to the fore to define the instrument in this way.
Pasieczny has shown here not only what level of musical interaction is possible with orchestra, but also how the guitar might come to redefine the orchestral palette for a new crop of composers. I am certain that its significance will lie in its future status as a milestone for the guitar canon.”


Collaboration with Clarice Assad

Badi, Sergio, Odair & Clarice ASSAD with Marek Pasieczny
Badi, Sergio, Odair & Clarice ASSAD with Marek Pasieczny

“CALL FOR GUITARISTS” – Competition Winners announced!

We are very happy to announce the collaboration between Marek Pasieczny and Brazilian composer Clarice ASSAD. From almost 120 submissions Marek together with another five players (Alieksey Vianna, Cecilio Perera, Connie Sheu, Gaële Sola and Jose Antonio Escobar) has been chosen to participate closely in new project with Clarice. Details soon!

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